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23 Jun

North Carolina changes rules for Mopeds

Category: Blog
Written by: Jason Brown
Mopeds in North Carolina

A North Carolina bill that requires mopeds to have a North Carolina license plate and also be registered and titled in North Carolina passed the House 83-29 on Thursday June 19th 2014 and was sent to the Senate. The House didn’t approve the bill until after the provision that would require liability insurance be purchased by moped operators was removed

from the bill.  As an alternative, the bill would require the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee to study whether additional regulations are needed for moped operators.

The registration fee for mopeds would be the same as for motorcycles -- $18. Failure to register a moped would be a misdemeanor. The title fee would be $40. Bill sponsors said mopeds are becoming more popular and are involved in more accidents, so their operators should be accountable. Requiring them to be registered will allow the state to collect data on their use and help law enforcement to track down perpetrators who use mopeds in committing crimes. Police chiefs and the N.C. League of Municipalities support the legislation. (The Insider, 6/20/14) (IIANC)