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09 Jul

Happy Birthday Dad!

Category: Blog
Written by: Jason Brown

As most of you already know, I was very close with my dad who passed away in 2008.  He was an awesome man and I miss him.  

Hug your family members and enjoy every minute!  

My dad's sister, my aunt, is a very talented woman. This year she created a birthday poem about my dad that I thought was awesome and so I moved to share it with you.

To Dad
11 Jun

This past May, I spent almost three hours waiting at the "North Carolina DMV" office to renewal my "North Carolina Drivers License".  Previously North Carolinians had to do this every eight years in order to renew a NC drivers license.  Not any longer, the NC DMV added the renewal capability to their website this past week. 

The new law allows us all to renew our license online every other time your North Carolina license expires.  North Carolina Drivers license renewals are typically good for eight years for drivers aged 18 to 65 and five years for others.  This means, most of us will now be required to actually stand in line at the NC DMV to renew our license every 16 years instead of every eight years.  

The NC DMV says the online renewal option is not an option- an office visit is still required- for

Skip the Line